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IC Student Media Outlets Win Multiple Awards

First Place, Best Podcast– Sarah Horbacewicz ‘20

Every year, the talented students who work for ICTV, the Ithaca College’s television station; WICB and 106 VIC, its two radio stations; and its newspaper, The Ithacan are recognized both state-wide and nationally for the high quality work they produce each year. The following is a list of awards won by student media during the past academic year.

SGC passes bill to address CAPS issues

The Ithacan

After holding a special meeting at Public Safety two weeks ago and outlining year-end goals last week, Ithaca College’s Student Governance Council was back in regular business at its April 10 meeting. At the meeting, the SGC passed a bill unanimously for the first time this school year, focusing on concerns about the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services at the college.

Ambassador Program to help freshmen transition to college

The Ithacan

Ithaca College will launch an Ambassador Program sponsored by the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services and the CAPS Committee in order to help incoming freshmen make a successful transition to college.

Park Scholar Profile | Sarah Horbacewicz

Ithaca College

The Park Scholar Program is a dynamic learning community that develops future communications leaders who engage critically, act globally, and perform ethically. Each year, Ithaca College offers Park Scholar Scholarship Awards to students who are passionate about the field of communications, community service and who thrive on academic and personal challenge.

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